I am a cognitive neuroscientist, interested in how we perceive and remember our experiences. I obtained my PhD at the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour (Nijmegen, Netherlands) and was a postdoctoral researcher at the Computational Memory Lab at Princeton University (Princeton, USA). Currently, I am an assistant professor at the Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence department of Tilburg University (Netherlands).
Twitter: @CollinSilvy
Bluesky: @collinsilvy.bsky.social
e-mail: s.h.p.collin@tilburguniversity.edu
van Dijk D, Collin SHP. Cross-task implications: How hippocampal event boundary responses predict unrelated memory performance. 2024. bioRxiv.10.02.616238. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.10.02.616238v1
Terporten R, Willems R, Flecken M, Collin SHP. Ingredients of a Narrative: How an Abstract Feature Space and Event Position Contribute to a Situation Model. 2024. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 46. https://escholarship.org/uc/item/2r4581fz (full version on PsyArXiv: https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/2cjru. Data and stimuli available at https://osf.io/ydpsk/.
Collin SHP, Kempner R, Srivatsan S, Norman KA. Neural codes track prior events in a narrative and predict subsequent memory for details. 2024. Biorxiv. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.02.13.580092v1. Stimuli available open access: https://osf.io/u3cfr/. Raw data available open access: https://openneuro.org/datasets/ds005050/versions/1.0.0. Code and processed data available open access: https://github.com/silcol/publicRepo_Collinetal2024.
Beukers AO, Collin SHP, Kempner RP, Franklin NT, Gershman SJ, Norman KA. Blocked training facilitates learning of multiple schemas. 2024. Communications Psychology. 2:28. Data and model available open access: https://github.com/PrincetonCompMemLab/blocked_training_facilitates_learning/tree/master.
Collin SHP, Broek P van den, Mourik T van, Desain P, Doeller CF. Inducing a mental context for associative memory formation with real-time fMRI neurofeedback. 2022. Scientific Reports. 12:21226.
Kraeter VA, Kritskaia V, Wiltshire TJ, Collin SHP. Effect of stimuli congruency on gaze behavior and memory. 2022. Proceedings of the 44th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. https://escholarship.org/uc/item/2j87q9kf. Data, stimuli and code available open access: https://osf.io/2xg8f/.
Collin SHP, Milivojevic B, Doeller CF. Hippocampal reconfiguration of events in mnemonic networks. 2021. bioRxiv. https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.05.25.445607. Stimuli available open access: https://osf.io/5sjxz/.
Collin SHP, Milivojevic B, Doeller CF. Hippocampal hierarchical networks for space, time, and memory. 2017. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences. 17: 71-76.
Milivojevic B, Varadinov M, Vicente Grabovetsky A, Collin SHP, Doeller CF. Coding of event nodes and narrative context in the hippocampus. 2016. Journal of Neuroscience. 36(49): 12412-12424.
Collin SHP, Milivojevic B, Doeller CF. Memory hierarchies map onto the hippocampal long axis in humans. 2015. Nature Neuroscience. 18(11): 1562–1564.